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A knocking at the Door

Not Sure What Who/what This Could Be

Here's a bit of small information that will make some sense by the end of these happenings or maybe they won't, I'm still trying to figure it out.

My sister and I talk frequently over the phone. About numerous things including supernatural happenings. They happen often to her, people she may be involved with, and myself as well. So the supernatural topic comes up often, and usually she will call me to tell me what has happened and to warn me. She has come up with an idea, which could be a possibility, but truly I'm not sure. When our mother goes into her bouts of depression, or becomes ill in some way, more often than not things start going bump in the night.

One evening around 6:30, I get a call and she is a little worked up. She proceeds to tell me she and her mate had just arrived home and started to settle down. She changed into her PJ's and sat down in her recliner when she felt a sharp, burning pain on her left thigh. She checked and nothing was there. She thought it may be something in the chair so she searched, only to come up with nothing. So she continues to sit back and relax when she feels it again, but this time it came along with pressure. So she again checks and she finds there is a large burn type scratch on her thigh, and as she's looking at it, it's developing underneath the skin.

Previous to this, a few months earlier, her mate had something happen to her. One morning, she gets up to start her routine getting ready for work. She heads out her bedroom door, and she feels something grab ahold her entire body. She tries to move but can't. She describes it as though she was in a freeze. She looks up and she realizes something darker than black was in the hallway, looking at her. She describes it to to be a tall dark shadow looking man. She begins to panic, and whatever this was let go of her, in the same instance dashes and disappears into their living room. She turns on the hallway light, and runs towards the living room, only a few feet away (it's a short hallway), and she finds nothing.

Now to my encounters. I am definitely one to figure all out, and to not hold any judgements when it comes to the paranormal and its happenings. If they happen, they happen. If not ok.

A few days after the phone call, I honestly wasn't holding my breath when my sister warned me because I don't feel my encounters have anything to do with our mother. Or what may be going on in her home.

This was early in the morning around 5 am, an hour before my kids start waking up for school, and an hour after my husband heads off to work. So for an hour I get me time. I began my cleaning routine, I like to get it done early. At the end of the hallway are two bedrooms. On either side are 2 kids' room, as well opposite side my other 2 kids' room.

I head down the hallway, walk in, turn off their TV, as they keep it on overnight for a nightlite. I walk in and notice neither of them are in their room. So I go to the other room and they're all in there sleeping soundly. So I close that door, walk across again, and turn the TV off and close the door.

I continue about my cleaning the bathroom which only about 4 feet away, and for whatever reason, I walked out of the bathroom. I noticed the empty bedroom's light was on, and the door is wide open.

I instantly thought, ok one of the kids got up and probably decided to get into their own bed.

I walk down the hallway, peep into the room and neither one was in there. I turn around and notice the other door isn't open. I open it and check in on the kids, all are still asleep in the same spots they were in just a few minutes before. I turn back around, turn said light off, close the door and head back down the hallway.

I continue my cleaning, and decided I needed to start a load of laundry when I notice again the door is wide open. Now at this point I'm getting frustrated. I go back down, close the door, and check on the kids.

I questioned the kids later that evening. I asked them why they decided to sleep all together in one room. Both said they don't feel comfortable sleeping in there. Now this wasn't a problem until recently.

Onto the next happening, which occurred last night. I woke up at 12:42 exactly. Been doing that here recently also. I decided to get up use the rest room, check my cell, and then lay back down.

As soon as I laid my head on the pillow, I heard shuffling in the kitchen. I think it's one of the kids in the kitchen. We moved our mattress to the living room, so my husband could sleep better, which explains why I can see the kitchen only a few feet away. It's an open plan so there is only one wall separating kitchen and living room.

Anyhow...I hear shuffling in the kitchen, I wait, because I'm thinking it's one of the kids looking for something to drink, and maybe I had missed them while I was in the bathroom. The shuffling stops, and no one comes out. I then remember I need to put the leftover dinner up. I get up, and walk into the kitchen, no one is in there. But I go about my business. I'm used to this sort of stuff, so it doesn't bother nor does it scare me.

I finish, and lay back down. I'm in bed and a few minutes later I hear what sounds like my countertop being hit. Twice it made this sound. I open my eyes, as I'm facing the kitchen. Then I hear the cabinets being slammed, over and over. The pressure in the air changes, I felt the temperature drop, and the air pressure drops as well. I get this quite often.

As I'm laying there trying to figure out what could this spirit possibly want, my whole body temperature rises. I literally feel my body turn hot and I start sweating. Then again the pressure drops, and my ear starts to burn.

I kick the covers off, thinking that would help, and sit up. I stand up, and tell it out loud, "Okay, enough is enough, I'm trying to go back to sleep!" And all stops instantly.

Now the warning my sister tells me. "Okay, mom must be in a depressed state, things are happening again around here. Be careful." I usually call my mom and make sure she's okay, and talk for a bit. My sister won't call her when these things happen.

